We build networks that help change the world.

Dream Machine Innovation Lab is a non-profit organization that builds networks that change the world. Founded by Van Jones in 2023, Dream Machine unites leaders from all walks of life to tackle the biggest challenges of today—prison reform, poverty, pollution, and polarization.  Join us as we build a future that works for everyone.

The Make Wakanda Real Campaign

An alliance of visionaries.

#MakeWakandaReal is one of the Dream Machine networks.

We are an alliance of technologists,  business leaders, artists, entrepreneurs, and dreamers who are coming together to shape the future of technology and humanity. We are building a community that is strong, smart and soulful enough to shape an equitable future for all in this emerging tech-powered era. We leverage the power of storytelling to wake people up to the tremendous possibilities and risks, inspire dialogue, and reimagine & reshape our reality.

We are building our network through a series of convenings and storytelling.

Our focus is on forging strong, purposeful connections. We do this through targeted events, skills trainings and meaningful storytelling that bring together thinkers and doers from various sectors. Our gatherings are designed to spark conversations and partnerships among those passionate about the role of technology in society. As we build this network, we're laying the foundation for collaborative innovation that’s poised to address tomorrow’s challenges today.

Join Our Network for Good

We are looking for trailblazers, innovators, and visionaries who believe in the power of unity, creativity, and technology to redefine our future. By joining our network, you gain access to a vibrant community where collaboration meets inspiration. Dream Machine Innovation Lab offers you a platform to amplify your impact, connect with like-minded partners, and bring your ideas to the forefront of change.